
What *really* counts as a fighting game?

Rehosted from Cohost, 2024 Aug 30.

this is a question that's been on my mind for a hot second. like, obviously something like Street Fighter or Tekken counts as one, but, like, could you call the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series a fighting game? because it's got fighting?

or what about stuff like Fortnite box fights or Minecraft PvP? because they have neutral, punish, and disadv states? could those count, too? or do they not since they aren't explicitly made for the feel of fighting games?

let me know your thoughts in the comments and reposts, i wanna answer this question once and for all and create a definitive definition for a fighting game

[Brilliant analysis by amaranth-witch on Cohost]

So this is a very interesting question to me because obviously there are a lot of overlaps across multiple genres here, this is something applicable to my favorite genre of video games (is Into The Breach a TURN BASED TACTICS game or a PUZZLE GAME that uses adorable mech violence? What about Tactical Breach Wizards?) and 100% bleeds into the TTRPG sphere where I do most of my work (where are the lines between RPG, skirmish game, and boardgame really, when you think about it, what is the difference between boardgame-with-facilitator and RPG-with-heavy-props-and-clear-goals, etc) and I had earlier today been playfully having the "haha actually fighting games are literally just rhythm games lmao" joke discussion

(side note: no they aren't, this is "hot dog is soup" level semantics where a hot dog CLEARLY isn't soup but you're constructing arguments to prove that if you look at it THIS WAY, it obviously is/must be)

So from the outside, as an appreciator/observer, the things that make me consider something a Fighting Game:

I think there are probably more, but this is the limit of my brainfog right about now.

[By chicanery on Cohost]

It's a fighting game if I'm bad at it.

[By Sumac on Cohost]

Trying to stop someone from merging into your lane on the freeway is a fighting game